Invited Speaker Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Inaugural Research Conference 2017

Talking to children about parental cancer: development of an intervention to support parents with cancer who have young children (#37)

Lesley Stafford 1
  1. Royal Womens Hospital, Parkville, Vic, Australia

Parental cancer affects the entire family unit.  Parents with cancer have high rates of psychological morbidity and their children are at risk of poor psychosocial outcomes, particularly in the context of parental distress and poor family communication. Evidence suggests that parents with cancer feel unsupported by health professionals in relation to meeting their children’s needs. Few cancer-specific parenting interventions exist and these have extensive infrastructure demands making them unsuitable for routine use in most health settings. Dr Stafford will discuss the process of developing the EPIC (Enhancing Parenting in Cancer) intervention, a novel and accessible, psycho-educational intervention designed to improve parenting efficacy and decrease parental stress among adults with cancer who have young children. The presentation will describe the literature on communicating with children about cancer, review the available parenting interventions, and detail the methodological process and challenges of developing a new intervention. Excerpts from the DVD component of the intervention will be shown during the presentation.