Andrew Somogyi Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Inaugural Research Conference 2017

Andrew Somogyi

Andrew Somogyi graduated in Pharmacy from Tasmania and at the University of Sydney completed a PhD in 1978. He then undertook postdoctoral clinical pharmacology training in Bonn (Germany), and for the past 30 years has been at the University of Adelaide. Apart from teaching in various medical, dental, and nursing courses, he has an active research programme examining interindividual variation in drug response through clinical pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and outcomes studies underpinned by pharmacogenomics in the fields of cancer pain and acute postoperative pain, addiction, transplantation and infectious diseases. He has a specific interest in clinical pharmacology of opioid drugs. He serves on several international Pharmacogenetic and Clinical Pharmacology journal editorial boards. He is an honorary fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. In 2006 he established a pharmacogenetics testing and consultancy service at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

Abstracts this author is presenting: